
I would like to share my excitement with you!

You are about to embark on a deep dive journey into breathing awareness.

I am so honoured that you resonate and trust me to be the guide for this journey.

This course sets a beautiful and solid foundation for any type of breathwork (even if you are already deep into breathwork), meditation, grounding, healing, embodiment, or movement practice.

I share ancient wisdom about the vayus - the link between the Annamaya (physical body) and Pranamaya kosha (energy body) and what's more, I guide awareness back to the basics and natural state of being before any conditioned habits influenced this state of being.

I feel it is very important to first unlearn and discover the natural essence of being before we try to alter the breath and body. This remembrance can easily be woven into any other modality. You will actually come to realise how this knowledge is already embedded into the wisdom of your cells and patterns.

We so often disregard and neglect the most intimate relationships we have. I am not referring to other beings here, but rather to things like the breath, what we truly are, love, acceptance, masculine and feminine aspects and essence.

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